Speed Trust

Monday, 30 September 2013

As promised heres the post about teaching at the school. The kids took a while to get used to me because of the lightness of my skin (they don't see many half white half asian people so they didn't know what to make of me). But once they warmed to me they'd all jump around knowing I'd brought goodies! They have never really drawn or played with paint before so they weren't 100% sure how to use the materials, plus the language barrier was a bit difficult but I generally did a demonstration of what I'd like them to do any just let them have fun with the arty bits I'd brought. You should have seen the mess when I brought in glitter! I cut up butterflies for them to paint and elephants for them to stick square bits of paper which was wonderful, we also had story time and a sing along at the end of the day.

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